ELSA is dedicated to providing an enjoyable, educational, rewarding, and competitive (as defined across the full spectrum by players, parents, and coaches) environment. Please join the ELSA Board for our
Annual Meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 7:00pm at the East Lyme Community Center/Library -- Youth Center. (41 Society Rd, Niantic, CT)
Among other topics, we will discuss the results of the Fall Soccer Survey (completed by 120+ members), and promote a conversation about training/supporting our coaches so that ELSA can deliver the best soccer experience for all of our players.
A full agenda will be circulated in early February. In the meantime, please save the date and plan to attend what promises to be educational and rewarding discussion.
With thanks,
ELSA Board
Eric Stoddard, President
Max Ruzzo, Vice President
Mike Montovani, Boys Coordinator
Jill Johnson, Boys Coordinator
Nat Johnson, Registrar
Scott Eident, Secretary
Heather Tooker, Treasurer
Mike Pitruzzello, At Large
Andrew Pearsall, At Large